Today marks the 26th International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls. We’d like to recognize, however, that violence against women and girls has been a reality for much longer than 26 years. That being said, today is a day of resistance against gendered oppression, of education about systemic inequity, and of […]
Sunny Jiao is a Graduate Research Assistant at Capacity Research Unit and has been a part of our team since September 2016. She is currently a PhD student at the UBC School of Nursing. Having previously worked as a psychiatric liaison nurse in an emergency room, she saw the need for improved service provision, especially for individuals who experience mental health and substance use challenges.
Emergency departments have the potential to diminish impacts of socially constructed conditions and barriers, therefore our research looks at a study protocol for an organizational intervention to promote equity in health care.
Sex work includes men, however they are very under researched. Our research looked at how Canadian men engaged in sex work navigate and resist stigma to protect their mental health.
POSITION FILLED: The Capacity Research Unit is hiring a Course Development Coordinator to support the development of an online course to prepare undergraduate students in the theory and practice of outreach.
Welcome to the new Capacity Research Unit website! At the Capacity Research Unit, our focus is interdisciplinary research that is community-based and shaped by community-academic collaborations. Together with our partners, we address discrimination and inequities in healthcare and social services. It is important that all of our communication vehicles, including the website, reflect the go-forward research program focus. Hence, our new look!
The Capacity Research Unit, based at UBC’s School of Nursing, will receive $2,499,946 over seven years to implement and test a trauma and violence-informed outreach intervention for women and girls affected by violence. This project is one of 17 projects awarded funding through the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Partnership Grant Program and includes collaborations with 14 service and academic organizations across three Canadian provinces.
On December 17, 2018 Dr. Bungay was awarded the Excellence in Advancing Nursing Knowledge & Research Award at the inaugural awards ceremony of newly formed Nurses and Nurse Practitioners of BC (NNPBC).
We are in the midst of a busy and exciting time where we are growing and working on our current projects. Check back in August for a new website with lots of updates and news about what is happening at Capacity Research Unit!