Now Recruiting: Contraceptive care in British Columbia: A critical discourse analysis
There are many factors that contribute to contraceptive care in British Columbia (BC). This study, organized by Kerry Marshall (UBC School of Nursing) and supervisors Dr. Vicky Bungay and Dr. Lydia Wytenbroek aims to learn about how the way we talk about contraceptives may influence contraceptive care. We are currently recruiting health care providers in […]
Opioid-specific harm reduction in the emergency department: how staff provide harm reduction and contextual factors that impact their capacity to engage in harm reduction practice
Authors: Sunny Jiao, Vicky Bungay, Emily Jenkins and Marilou Gagnon Publication: Harm Reduction Journal Volume: 21 What we know Emergency department staff are most directly involved in the care of people who use unregulated substances. As a result, they are ideally positioned to provide harm reduction interventions. Through self-administered staff surveys and one-on-one interviews, we […]
How an emergency department is organized to provide opioid-specific harm reduction and facilitators and barriers to harm reduction implementation: a systems perspective
Congratulations to PhD candidate Sunny Jiao on this amazing work in the area of harm reduction and healthcare. Read this excellent analysis of policy shaping care in emergency departments.
#HASTalks with Dr. Vicky Bungay: Engaging with Participation, Knowledge, and Power: The Co-Creation of Intervention Research Tackling Inequities in Health and Social Care
Date: March 2, 2023 Time: 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM (ET) Presented by: #HASTalks is a seminar series curated by the Department of Health, Aging & Society at McMaster University Online Session: Register for this event via Zoom *This session is free and open to all members of the public. Please note: This session may […]
Nurses’ enactment of equity-promoting practices in the emergency department: A discourse analysis
Date: November 4, 2022 Presented by: Dr. Allie Slemon Room: Online on Zoom Meetings The presentation is now available to watch here. Audio for the student Q&A session is available here. Summary: In this session, Dr. Allie Slemon will present an overview of findings from her dissertation research. Her dissertation responds to the significant and […]
Capacity Research Unit receives $2.5 million for gender-based violence research
The Capacity Research Unit, based at UBC’s School of Nursing, will receive $2,499,946 over seven years to implement and test a trauma and violence-informed outreach intervention for women and girls affected by violence. This project is one of 17 projects awarded funding through the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Partnership Grant Program and includes collaborations with 14 service and academic organizations across three Canadian provinces.
We are growing! Stay tuned!
We are in the midst of a busy and exciting time where we are growing and working on our current projects. Check back in August for a new website with lots of updates and news about what is happening at Capacity Research Unit!