Social Engagement Project

Social Engagement Project

The Social Engagement Research Project:

Building Supportive Social Networks to Advance the Mental Health of Women

The Social Engagement Project is a 2-year pilot research study exploring  the effects of a peer-led social engagement program to improve women’s social connections to reduce loneliness and isolation.  funded by the Vancouver Foundation

Funded by the Vancouver Foundation, we work from a strength-based, community-based, participatory  approach. We understand that women are the experts in their own lives and we aim to build on the strength of each woman to support peer engagements that are tailored to each woman. Our project is inclusive. We use the terms women/woman as inclusive of anyone who identifies as a woman.

The Social Engagement Research Project is co-led by Linda Dewar from the Inner-City Women’s Initiatives Society and Vicky Bungay from the UBC School of Nursing. We are specifically testing the acceptability, appropriateness, and feasibility of peer-led social engagements to improve the social connections for women living in Vancouver.

Study Approach

By building trust and engaging in fun, safe, social activities with women in the community, we are testing how this approach can help reduce isolation, and improve overall wellness. Women who participate in the study will engage with a Social Engagement Worker over the course of one year to participate in social activities specific to their shared interests and abilities. .

Examples of some activities are:

  • Outdoor activities – (i.e. walks, cycling the Seawall.)
  • Social activities – (i.e. coffee talk, grocery shopping, swimming.)
  • Movie nights
  • Classes – (i.e. dance, acting/improv.)

The Social Engagement Team

Social engagement workers are women from the community with varied life and work histories. They work closely with our Community Coordinator to build connections with women, plan their activities, and are instrumental in shaping the overall study approach.

Funded By

Vancouver Foundation

Current Activities & Resources

More Information

Co-Principal Investigator
Dr. Victoria Bungay

Co-Principal Investigator
Linda Dewar, Inner-City Women’s Initiatives Society

Community Research Coordinator
Sydney Kolysher

Contact us

The Team

This research project is based in Vancouver, British Columbia.  The investigative team includes Jennifer Baumbusch, Alyssa Greer, Kim Hawkins, Rajwant Mangat, Mary Schoening, and Sandra Walker.

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