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Can Conventional Criminal Justice Systems Deliver Justice for Rape Victim-Survivors?

Can Conventional Criminal Justice Systems Deliver Justice for Rape Victim-Survivors?

Presented by: Dr. Lara Hudspith on November 23, 2023 from 12-1pm PST. The presentation will be online through Zoom Meetings. Click on the title for more details.

Closed: Hiring Outreach Workers at Central Okanagan Elizabeth Fry Society for the CLOE Project

Closed: Hiring Outreach Workers at Central Okanagan Elizabeth Fry Society for the CLOE Project

As part of the Scaling Up project, the CLOE Project outreach team in Kelowna supports people who have experienced gender-based violence to engage with the outreach team in safe, respectful ways that foster trust and engagement and promote health, safety and well-being. Central Okanagan Elizabeth Fry Society (COEFS), the project’s community co-lead, is now hiring two […]

Competition closed – We are hiring! Community Research Coordinator for our project site in Kelowna

Competition closed – We are hiring! Community Research Coordinator for our project site in Kelowna

We are hiring a Community Research Coordinator for the Okanagan site of the Scaling Up project.

Competition closed – hiring at Inner-City Women’s Initiatives Society for the STRENGTH project

Competition closed – hiring at Inner-City Women’s Initiatives Society for the STRENGTH project

Inner-City Women’s Initiatives Society (ICWIS), community co-lead for the Vancouver site (“STRENGTH”) of the national Scaling Up project is now hiring for a Community Outreach Support Worker.

Competition closed – Capacity is hiring for a Graduate Academic Assistant position

Competition closed – Capacity is hiring for a Graduate Academic Assistant position

Capacity is looking for a UBC graduate student to join our Vancouver-based team on the Scaling Up project, to coordinate and conduct enrollments and surveys with study participants. For more details on the position, see the full posting here. Apply by submitting a brief cover letter and CV to by April 16, 2023.