Report: Scaling Up STRENGTH: Adaptation in a Pandemic Context
We are pleased to share findings from the “Scaling Up STRENGTH” Study (Adaptation Phase: March 2020 to May 2023). This report captures the adapting and testing of the STRENGTH model of outreach within a pandemic context in the Downtown Eastside (DTES) neighbourhood of Vancouver.
Co-designing an Outreach Intervention for Women Experiencing Street-Involvement and Gender-Based Violence: Community–Academic Partnerships in Action
We are excited to share this important paper from the STRENGTH pilot project is now published (through open access) and available online.
Capacity continues efforts to end gender-based violence on International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
(xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil Waututh)/Vancouver, B.C. – November 25, 2022) Today Capacity observes International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (IDEVAW), a day of action and remembrance that also marks the launch of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, the global campaign to eradicate violence against women, girls, […]
Exploring the conceptualization, operationalization, implementation, and measurement of outreach in community settings with hard-to-reach and hidden populations: A scoping review
This research, led by PhD Students Sunny Jiao and Allie Slemon at Capacity, found a lack of clarity across the literature on how outreach is conceptualized, the central elements of outreach, and how the ‘success’ of outreach is empirically measured. Working with Dr. Vicky Bungay and Dr. Adrian Guta, they have led an important piece […]
Gaps in health research related to sex work: an analysis of Canadian health research funding
This new article by Bungay et al explores gaps in health research related to sex work, and concludes that health research funding bodies need to specifically engage with sex work communities and the growing cadre of researchers to establish an evidence informed research agenda to foster the health, safety, and well-being of sex workers locally and across the globe.
Funding success for Capacity community research partner
Congratulations to the Central Okanagan Elizabeth Fry Society (COEFS), who were successful in receiving 2021-2022 UBC Community-University Engagement Support (CUES) funds to support ongoing partnership development with the Capacity Research Unit as part of a larger project looking at implementing an innovative outreach program to support women affected by violence. The Central Okanagan Elizabeth […]
STRENGTH Pilot Study Report
We are pleased to share findings from the STRENGTH Pilot study (April 15, 2018 to January 28, 2020). Please see our report on this community-based, participatory action pilot study to design a women-led, strengths-based, trauma informed model of outreach in the Downtown Eastside (DTES) neighbourhood of Vancouver. The STRENGTH project was built upon the expertise […]
STRENGTH Pilot Study interim findings
We are pleased to share the first of our STRENGTH study findings. Please click on “Capacity Highlights” to view our infographic on a strengths-based outreach approach to working with women in the Downtown Eastside (DTES) neighbourhood in Vancouver.
Strength and Resistance In Spite of Violence and Inequity
Today marks the 26th International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls. We’d like to recognize, however, that violence against women and girls has been a reality for much longer than 26 years. That being said, today is a day of resistance against gendered oppression, of education about systemic inequity, and of […]
Capacity Research Unit receives $2.5 million for gender-based violence research
The Capacity Research Unit, based at UBC’s School of Nursing, will receive $2,499,946 over seven years to implement and test a trauma and violence-informed outreach intervention for women and girls affected by violence. This project is one of 17 projects awarded funding through the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Partnership Grant Program and includes collaborations with 14 service and academic organizations across three Canadian provinces.